100 Pineapple Seeds

Fortunate's family's story began to transform when she joined other Komera parents and guardians in small savings groups. Using Komera’s business skills training, she chose to start planting pineapples that she’s able to harvest regularly and sell at the market to support herself and her family!

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Girls Can Make It!

When Rebecca wasn’t given a scholarship to university, she didn’t fret because the knowledge she had gained during Komera’s Post Secondary Transition Program helped her start her own business! Now she hopes to save her profits to support her family and pay her University fees independently!

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Claudine, Komera Teen Mother

Claudine was introduced to Komera shortly after giving birth to her son and dropping out of school. When she joined Komera’s Teen Mother Program, we provided sessions on self-confidence, interpersonal skills, communication, and problem solving. She began to believe in herself and, with the help of Komera’s lessons, now plans to be a business woman to support her new family!

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If You Give a Girl a Chicken...

Give a girl a chicken and feed her for a day; teach a girl to dream and watch her turn five chickens into a flourishing business of sixty, generate income for her family, support her five younger siblings in school, and receive a full-tuition scholarship to university! Komera invests in transformational change for young women, their families, and their community. This year we are breaking out beyond our School Bag appeal and sharing the story of Gaudance and her chickens with you!

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What Does It Take To Be a Part of Team Komera?

For the second year in a row, Komera has a team of runners participating in the TCS New York City Marathon on behalf of Komera! We are thrilled to further our mission to incorporate the principles of teamwork, self-discipline and unleashing inner strength through sport by partnering with the NYC Marathon! We are inspired by Team Komera’s dedication and commitment to our cause- here are some of our teammates’ incredible stories!

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What is the Komera Leadership Summit?

The Komera crew hosted another incredible week of Leadership Camp. Held three times per year, these week-long sessions make up the Leadership Summit Program at Komera and are always an inspiring week for our scholars! Here’s a bit more about the day-to-day of this fantastic week of learning and leadership!

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Ten Days in Rwanda

Guest blogger Hilary Butler, Chair of the Board of Directors of Komera Canada, shares about her recent trip to Rwanda. Hilary and a few members of the Komera Canada crew visited Komera in Rwanda for 10 days this June, experiencing the rich and dynamic culture as well as seeing the impact of Komera Canada’s sponsorship on the ground!

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Partner Feature: Tailored for Education!

Tailored for Education partnered with Komera to provide uniforms to 1,423 primary school students in the Kayonza district! Read more about their incredible impact here and learn more about why we couldn’t grow our impact without the support of such visionary partners!

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Meet Meagan, the Komera Development Fellow 2018-2019!

Meet Meagan, our Development Fellow for 2018-2019. She comes to us with a background in social work and a passion for social justice. After completing a fellowship in Uganda, Meagan joined the Komera team to amplify the voices of young women in Rwanda. She looks forward to supporting the Komera team and meeting many of the wonderful Komera family members along the way!

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Komera Leadership Camp Leads the Charge!

With the April 2019 Leadership Camp coming up, we wanted to share more about just what goes on at Leadership Summit! Read more about some of the exciting programming our scholar took part in August 2018 and get ready to follow along with their fun April 15- 19!

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Announcement: FAWE is Getting a NEW Science Lab!

FAWE Girls School Gahini, widely considered one of the best secondary schools in Rwanda and long time partner of Komera, is starting to build on a brand new science lab. FAWE is known for their focus on women in STEM, and thanks to the generosity of Project A.B.L.E and lots of community support, construction for a state of the art lab is starting this spring. Read more about the history of the partnership and plans here!

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Incredible Immaculate

From widowed and scared to successful business woman and landlord, scholar Anisie’s mother, Immaculate, shows us what it means to harness your inner strength. With a joyful countenance, she has persevered in the face of hardship and grown into a powerful role model and leader. She and her children are living a very happy life and the community has seen the impact that Komera has had on this family!

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An Investment in Livine

When you invest in a young woman, what is your “return on investment”?  At Komera, it’s the change that happens in a young woman, in a mother, in a family, and in a community. It’s the story of the transformation of a young woman named Livine, when Komera invested in her future. From secondary school through university, Livine has grown into a powerful force of good for her family and community thanks to Komera’s investment in her dreams!

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Meet Antoinette

From Komera Global Run winner to stellar scholar, please meet Antoinette. She exemplifies how athletics build confidence, foster new skill development and even change lives!

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Olive Learns to Love Herself

“I am so grateful for the Komera program and yoga,” said participant Olive. “It is a good time for us to be happy, learn to love ourselves, and focus to work for a better future.”

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