100 Pineapple Seeds

The family of Fortunate and Israel live in the Kayonza district where they’re raising their three children – Devine, who is attending Komera’s post-secondary program, and her two brothers.

When Komera met Fortunate and Israel’s family, Israel had been very sick for some time which led to their son dropping out of school to help at home. Additionally, they knew they wouldn’t be able to support Devine continuing secondary school and she would soon have to drop out as well to support her mother and father.

With Komera’s support, their lives were able to change socially and financially because Fortunate was able to join other Komera parents and guardians in small savings groups. With her savings, she was able to care for Israel and fortunately, he got well! From the Komera group’s saving and borrowing, Fortunate managed to buy their son a bicycle to bring in more income and she was able to support their youngest son to proceed with his studies while Komera supported Devine.

Israel and Fortunate with their pineapples

Israel and Fortunate with their pineapples

Using Komera’s business skills training, they chose to start planting pineapples that she’s able to harvest regularly and sell at the market. She started with only 100 seedlings and later expanded to where she’s now earning between 15,000 and 20,000 Rwandan Francs (~$16-$22 USD) every week! As their business is growing, Fortunate and Israel now have plans to expand their business from a half hector (~one acre) to two hectors (~five acres) to continue supporting themselves and their community!

The family is so thankful for Komera’s support because it’s gone beyond educating just their children, but also educating Israel and Fortunate through moral support and practical skills for a better life!
