Partner Feature: Tailored for Education!
Thank you,
Tailored for Education!
Komera believes in deep and holistic development that ensures long-term sustainable change. Komera goes against the grain of the typical development story; we believe in addressing the root causes of that keep girls out of school rather than quick fixes and flashy numbers.
And we are so grateful to have partners who share this vision! Tailored for Education recognizes that a lack of uniform shouldn’t prevent a child from going to school. They partner with local education-oriented nonprofits to provide uniforms to children who would otherwise be left behind.
Our hope is that the money saved on uniforms goes toward providing food, clean water and/or shelter for the families we assist. In addition, the sense of pride instilled by wearing a uniform has a tremendous impact on the children’s self-esteem, both inside and outside of school. When all students in the classroom are wearing the same thing, there is no distinguishing between poverty levels; everyone is on an even playing field. By providing a uniform, we are giving children the gift of education and the opportunity to create a better life for themselves and future generations.
~Mission statement of Tailored for Education
Thanks to the generosity and vision of Tailored for Education, Komera was able to purchase 1,423 uniforms for students in six primary schools in the Kayonza district. We purchased the majority of these uniforms from Komera’s own parent cooperative! When we accept young women to be Komera scholars, we also invite their guardians to participate in our Komera Parent Cooperative. We want to be sure that the families of our scholars are not left behind, and this program provides resources for parents to develop their own businesses. They feel empowered and, in turn, have access to increased economic agency in order to set the whole family up for a brighter future.
Uniform Recipients
Most of the beneficiaries are primary school students attending the four schools that offer the Soccer for Youth Engagement program. These are young persons for whom a uniform can be a barrier to attend school. In Rwanda, on top of the initial school fees, families must also cover the cost of food, learning materials and other necessities in order to send their children to school. Since the surrounding community predominantly relies on agriculture as a means of income, these costs add up, and school uniforms can ultimately prevent a child from receiving an education!
Tailored for Education’s statement, “The uniform is powerful, indicating these children are receiving an education to create a better life” holds a lot of truth. When students feel supported with the right tools, they are better able to focus and succeed in school!
Thanks to Tailored for Education’s long-term investment in Komera’s beneficiaries, we have seen a huge impact on the number of students able to start and stay in school. Their families, without the burden of covering the cost of uniforms, are able to focus funds on other key life components and breathe easier knowing their children are set up for success.
Success Stories
Samuel is a senior two student in G.S Nkondo 11, in Rwinkwavu sector.
Samuel last had a uniform three years back when he was in primary five, and since then, he intermittently attended class because he didn’t have a uniform and without one, he was kicked out of class. Sometimes he would hide from teachers and later continue with classes, but he quickly fell behind in the material. He said, “Since I have received this uniform from Komera, I know I will not be absent from school again and I will not be chased from class again and my performance in class will be better. Thank you so much Komera, for giving me the uniform. Murakoze Cyane!”
Appreciation Message from a Parent
“My name is Chatal and my child is Ruth, aged 8 years in primary 3. I bought her uniform when she started school, but it was very torn after many years, and I would see her and feel sorry but I had no capacity to replace it because of my state. I work in other people’s gardens daily, and the money I work for is for food and cannot cover scholastic materials for my children. But God should bless the people who have given our children clothes. It wasn’t easy and we will use them well!“