Komera Leadership Camp Leads the Charge!

As we APPROACH our April Leadship Summit in just a few weeks we wanted to take a moment and share with you a snap shot of what happens. Here is an except from a blog about our August 2018 summit!



For our August Komera Leadership Summit, and our scholars are thrilled to spend the week together honing their leadership skills, learning from trainers and guest speakers, and spending time with their Komera sisters. 

This five-day summit, also know as “camp” to our girls, is held during the break from boarding school. We take all of our favorite lessons along with new trainings and squeeze them into a jam-packed days that are equally educational and fun!

We always include a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health training, leadership + empowerment sessions, and time for creativity including skits, singing and dancing!

So what’s going on at the August summit?

Goal setting and financial planning were key lessons this week. Young women learned the importance of saving, why you should save and how you can budget. Our girls declared their goals – personal and academic, and discussed strategies for staying on-track.

We talked about building interpersonal skills, nurturing healthy relationships, and practicing good communication. Communication skills build confidence! Our students put this into practice in small groups together.

Early mornings always include time for sports- stretching, running and futbol! Komera focuses on not only physical health but emotional health as well. Our trainers lead a deep discussion around trauma – both physical and emotional. Many of our students have experienced emotional trauma from separation or loss of loved ones, emotional abuse, or neglect. We discussed ways to support friends and family going through trauma, and how to seek help.

A special guest speaker from Society for Family Health Rwanda joined us to talk about sexual and reproductive health! Topics ranged from the understanding the female body, preventing teenage pregnancy to avoiding sexual abuse. Girls learned how to build their capacity to say no, claim their power, and identify their rights!

Final message to our students: Be confident in yourself, and love who you are!
