What Does It Take To Be a Part of Team Komera?

For the second year in a row, Komera has a team of runners participating in the TCS New York City Marathon on behalf of Komera! When they joined Team Komera, they committed to raising $3,000 or more for Komera’s holistic programs supporting female education and leadership in Rwanda and agreed to the challenge of training for and running 26.2 miles through all 5 boroughs on New York City! Physical wellness and empowerment through sport have always been central to the Komera philosophy; we began as a community run for girls to indulge in the freedom of running and continue to celebrate that tradition with the annual Komera Global Run series, where we invite runners worldwide to run in solidarity! We are thrilled to further our mission to incorporate the principles of teamwork, self-discipline and unleashing inner strength through sport by partnering with the NYC Marathon! We are inspired by Team Komera’s dedication and commitment to our cause- here are some of their incredible stories!

Introducing Dani Seitz, long time Komera supporter, professional model and founder of Lady Ballerzz. Dani first was connected with Komera through Models for Wellness and the Alda Girls, a group of plus-sized models advocating for change for women worldwide. In addition to sharing tips and tricks for wellness, these women host events and created a run club that took part in the Komera Global Run in Brooklyn. We’re so grateful for the web of strong women that connected Dani to us! Over the past five years, Dani has supported Komera in other small runs and as a part of our New York Host Committee.

This year Dani decided to take her commitment to the next level: taking on all 5 boroughs of New York City to fundraise for us! She shared that her journey from running-adverse soccer goalie to marathoner has been inspiring and confidence building. Balancing a move from NYC to Chicago was a lot this summer; running provided Dani a new form of mediation and allowed her to find her own rhythm! Plus, she loves the running communities she has been able to connect with, including a few training runs with fellow teammate Kristen Rahilly in Chicago!

Dani’s passion for female empowerment stems from her mother, a middle school teacher and basketball coach for at-risk youth. Dani shares, “she is just one of those teachers, and she really makes a difference for her students!” She instilled in Dani the importance of education and physical activity. In fact, she is part of Dani’s crew of female basketball players, Lady Ballers, and they both hope to bring their love for this sport to Rwanda someday!

We asked Dani “What inspired you to run for Komera?”

I have been very lucky to be able to have Skype calls with a few of Komera’s students and hear their stories. When they talk about their futures, they speak with so much passion! Each woman is so focused and determined to achieve everything they need in order to create the lives they want to live; there is nothing stopping them, despite many obstacles! They speak so highly of Komera and the community that Komera has created for them. Being able to listen to their stories and see what a difference this organization is making made me want to give back in a bigger way. The focus and drive that these women have inspired me to put this towards my training!

For us at Komera, we love the way running and physical activity bring about both a deep connection to inner strength and a sincere appreciation for community and connectedness. Nothing highlights that more than having runners training for the same race throughout the US, in Canada and in Singapore!


Another runner we got a chance to talk with about his Team Komera journey is Damian Leverton, who is preparing for his first ever marathon on Bowen Island, off the coast of Vancouver, Canada. As an IT professional, Damian started running as a way to stay active in his otherwise desk-focused job. For the past few years, he has taken his hobby to the next level, competing in 10k and half-marathon races in Canada. But he has yet to tackle a full marathon distance, that is until this November 3 in New York City!

Damian first was also connected to Komera through a run, the Rotary Run for Rwanda, which is hosted by Komera Canada on Bowen Island each August. He has been running the 10k distance in that race since it began about 10 years ago. From this annual race, he knew some of the Komera story and made connections to the Komera community in his area.

Damian’s biggest hesitation to join Team Komera was his fear of fundraising. With a little coaching and a deeper understanding of the impact of Komera’s programs, Damian decided to challenge himself and dove into this new frontier. Thanks to the support of his community and the resources provided by Komera staff, Damian has met and surpassed his fundraising goal! Throughout this journey, he has been delighted to find how generous people have been and how deeply he is connected to the work Komera does, even on the other side of the world! 

With two children, including one daughter in post-secondary education, I am grateful for the opportunities the Canadian education system affords us. I want to help others in less fortunate situations have these same opportunities to contribute to their community and the world.

Damian has only been to NYC one other time, in 1985, and he is really looking forward to indulging in the energy and views of the marathon! He and his wife Rosemarie will travel to the city before the race and stay for a few days after to explore! Damian can’t wait to see the Statue of Liberty on the ferry from Manhattan to the start line on Staten Island, and he is eager to see the different boroughs from the unique perspective of the race course. Plus, he’s heard the energy of supporters is incredible!

Both Damian and Dani highlighted how challenging yet worthwhile this process has been, acknowledging the internal rewards of taking on the challenge of running a marathon and the external validation of fundraising for an important cause. From very different backgrounds, they’ve both succeeded in their goals on and off the course and have had the support of Komera all along the way!

Damian and Dani- we’re so grateful your part of Team Komera this year, and we wish you all the best in your race November 3!  
