Dyanamic Duo Olivia and Francoise!
Olivia and Francoise are Komera scholars in the Post-Secondary Transition Program. The group was tasked with each doing a project to give back to their community. The students were inspired by the lessons they had learned over the past 4 years with Komera at school and in their leadership summit trainings. Olivia and Francoise decided to take their lessons and put them into practice! They started a club in their village of Rwinkwavu called “Tuseme” which is translated to “lets talk.”
The two bright young women wanted to target oppression throughout history that silences women’s voices. The club allows young girls a space to come together and share their life stories, so the group can learn from and support one another. More than that, Olivia and Francoise have applied their trainings from Komera to integrate lessons on self-confidence, advocacy, and women’s’ rights!
Francoise leading a Tuseme Club meeting
Olivia and Francoise started the group with 40 young women, meeting twice a month. Today, the club has over 200 members!! It has grown tremendously and now has leadership positions available for members who want a larger role in the club’s activities and an advisor who helps with organization of the club and meetings.
We are so inspired by the initiative taken by Olivia and Francoise. They have taken the knowledge they received from Komera and effected real change in their community – having an impact on hundreds of young women! Go Olivia + Francoise!