Mammy Making Waves in the Community

As a scholar in the Post-Secondary Transition Program, Mammy was inspired to give back to her community in not one, but four different ways! She looked around at her community and saw all the ways she could help other!

She started with a young girl who she recognized lacked a support system. Mammy used her voice and advocated for the child so she could be fostered by one of Mammy’s relatives. Mammy did not stop there! She wanted this young girl to receive an education, just like she did.  She took her to primary school and signed her up. Mammy is also providing all necessary school materials until the young girl finishes her studies! 

Mammy commemorated Kwibuka, the time of remembering the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, by giving her time and energy to support a genocide survivor in her community. Mammy cleans her home and gives food to the woman every year around this time in solidarity and support.

With her great performance in school and her reputation as a role model in her community, Mammy was selected by the local government to speak at a memorial event for the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi. Mammy presented a poem she wrote as part of the event, and participated in carrying offerings to the memorial site. It was a special day with many dignitaries and government leaders. She represented herself, her community, and Komera as a strong, competent female leader!

Feeling grateful for the Komera trainings she had received over the past 4 years, Mammy wanted to pass on the gift of leadership to other young people in her community! She has been volunteering every Saturday at SACCA, an NGO supporting children in Rwanda. She trains the children on setting goals, being a role model, and how to overcome adversity!

Mammy has already had a great impact on her community, but she feared that it would be difficult to continue this work when she started university! That’s why she started a club called Together We Can – to create long lasting sustainable change in her community! With 17 members, and a club leader, the group does community service projects and is looking to start a savings fund so they can have a greater impact! 

We are so proud of Mammy for all the time she has dedicated to others. She has passed on the gift of education and confidence! We know her great work will continue!

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