Welcome to the Team Consolee!

Introducing Consolee — Komera’s newest team member! Consolee will be joining the team as our new Youth Empowerment Program Coordinator. Consolee knows firsthand just how important encouraging young girls to be strong and empowered is to their develop and long term success. She has a passion for movement and is excited to support and oversee the YEP Run Club. We’re excited to have her join our Team and create new pathways to sports access for young girls!

How did you first hear about Komera?

I first heard of Komera was when I was actively searching for roles in my field. As I read the job description, I was immediately drawn to Komera’s mission which align perfectly with my passions.

What made you want to join Komera?

I made it a priority to throughly research Komera to have a deep understanding of its mission and culture, ! was particularly impressed by its commitment to developing self confident young women trough its economic, education and public health initiatives. It is in this line that I was excited about the possibility of contributing to the organisation’s mission. I am confident that my collaborative nature and passion for women empowerment align perfectly with Komera’s mission.

What projects are you most excited to dive into and support the team with?

I am mostly excited to lead the Youth Empowerment Program and ready to help the Komera team as whole.

What is your favorite part of the Komera program or mission that inspires you?

My favourite part of Komera’s mission is the women empowerment, and deep focus on girls’ education.

A big piece of Komera’s mission is female empowerment through sport and health wellness. What is your personal favorite way to sweat and how do you practice self-care?

My personal favourite way to sweat is rope jumping! I do it every evening after work before I take a shower.

What is a fun, unique or weird fact about you?

I can pretend very well. many people think I am so strong and always cheery, but really, I’m actually very sensitive. I don't cry in front of everyone, but when am alone I can cry my head off. I think it’s good to cry!

Inspirational quote or mantra you live by?

The mantra I live by is '' I step out of my comfort zone to achieve my goals!"
