Anitha: From Building Confidence to Constructing a Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the livelihoods of millions around the world. One of those affected was Anitha, a scholar at the FAWE Girls School Gahini, one of the best secondary schools in Rwanda and a long time Komera partner.

Many of our students come from dire and vulnerable living situations and unfortunately, Anitha’s circumstances are no exception. After realizing her family was experiencing poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Anitha took it upon herself to start working to support her five siblings before returning to school in January. She started the arduous task of selling firewood to earn enough money for meals (approximately $0.52 USD for each meal). Later, Anitha was able to receive a job at a construction site where she earned $2.06 USD a day. It was through this job that she improved her skills. However, the construction site later closed. And while Anitha and her family receive a stipend from Komera to be spent on food, supplies and urgent needs, she still had to find another way to support herself and her family.

Anitha poses for a school photo.

Anitha poses for a school photo.

She learned that a neighboring village was looking for laborers at the construction sites of several schools. The Ministry of Education has embarked on an ambitious plan to build 22,505 classrooms and 31,932 latrines across Rwanda in order to reduce overcrowding and create a safe, socially-distant education experience. (Rwanda Ministry of Education).

With determination, grit and the confidence she developed through Komera’s program, Anitha asked for a job – not as a laborer, but as a builder. Her employer, who believes in gender equality, admired her confidence and decided to hire her.

Anitha’s boss saw her hardworking spirit and competence. He believed her work ethic to be superior to many of his other workers and she was continuously chosen to lead in building projects.

Anitha works at a construction site.

Anitha works at a construction site.

Anitha 1

Today, Anitha earns double the amount that she earned in her first construction job. Her coworkers are proud of her hard work and discipline, and her employer reports that she is working at a level that surpasses many of the men who have been working in construction for several years. He thanked Komera for inspiring girls to believe in themselves and for building girls’ confidence.

Anitha’s story is one of many from Komera that have inspired girls and allowed them to see their own capabilities. She is thankful to Komera for helping build her confidence and is proud of the success she’s reached by being able to support her family. Anitha is excited to continue her studies in January when schools safely reopen and graduate. She plans to later invest in an agri-business. We can’t wait to see her continue to build her future!

To help girls like Anitha during the pandemic, please consider supporting our COVID-19 Response here.
