Scovia Shines as a Komera Scholar!

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Scovia was living with her family in Uganda. When she was about two years old, her mother passed away leaving her in the care of her father. As time passed, Scovia’s father would drink heavily and could no longer serve his parental role. Scovia struggled in this home environment, but in spite of circumstance, she insisted on studying. When she entered secondary level, the situation became too bad, especially when her father failed to pay her school fees. Scovia was worried what her future might hold.

Then, Scovia’s grandmother, Mukandereya Bonifridah, who lived in Rwanda, heard of her granddaughter’s struggles. She decided to go to Uganda to fetch Scovia; she was going to have Scovia live with her and she would support her education! Mukandereya Bonifridah had her own challenges, but she knew the power of education and wanted to give that gift to her granddaughter!

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When Scovia arrived in Rwanda, she joined a nearby local secondary day school called Kadiridimba that her grandmother could afford. Scovia worked very hard in school, and in her more peaceful home environment, she was able to study and learn more from her classes. Sadly, Scovia’s grandmother fell on hard times and struggled to cover Scovia’s school fees, leaving Scovia uncertain about her studies once again. This time, she felt hopeful, and she insisted to continue her studies.

When she reached senior three, her hard work paid off and she passed her national exams! She still felt worried about where she would get school fees, but then a solution appeared. She heard about the Komera scholarship through a community run! She applied, and it was clear to the whole team that she would be a great fit for the Komera crew. She was selected as a scholar in January 2019!

Today, she goes to a fantastic STEM boarding school, FAWE Girl’s School Gahini, which has been a long standing partner of Komera. She has everything that a scholar needs: materials, a mentor and Komera family. She no longer is distracted from her studies for fear she will not be able to pay, and her family is benefitting from the array of community development resources Komera offers.

Scovia is one of the scholars sponsored by Greens Farms Academy in Connecticut. Recently,  she was very pleased to meet a team of her sponsors at school and at her home. They were overwhelmed by joy to make this cross-cultural connection, all girls sharing that they will never forget such beautiful memories!

Most importantly, Scovia feels peaceful, loved, supported and cared for. Scovia has a goal of becoming a Doctor. One day, she hope to take care of the sick, especially children.


We’re so proud of Scovia’s ambition and big heart! We know she will go far, taking advantage of the limitless opportunities that lay before her!

If you’re interested in supporting girls like Scovia, please visit our Scholar Sponsor page to get involved.
